HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders
      HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders

      SVS Health Centre at Chamber of Commerce

      Graz, Austria

      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH
      © Viereck Architekten ZT-GmbH

      Health Center for the Self-Employed in Styria

      In Graz’s Körblergasse, a new health center for the self-employed is being built, serving as a flagship project for modern timber construction and ecological sustainability. Located on the premises of the Styrian Economic Chamber (WKO), the building is being developed by the Social Insurance Institution for the Self-Employed (SVS) to provide comprehensive services in preventive healthcare, diagnostics, and therapy.

      This project is a true pioneering initiative, combining innovative timber construction with a geothermal heating system, a photovoltaic (PV) system on an extensively greened roof, and a sustainable building design that significantly reduces CO₂ emissions. Approximately 1,100 m³ of wood was used in construction, including 300 m³ of glued laminated timber (glulam), some of which was shaped into curved beams and composite structural elements. By using wood, the project has stored 931 tons of CO₂ equivalents, making it a CO₂ flagship project of Austria’s Forest Fund.

      Beyond its sustainability, the building also stands out for its design. The façade features rough-sawn, vertically arranged spruce boards combined with 16-meter-long double wooden pilasters, giving it a timeless elegance. Inside, visible wooden ceiling and support elements—crafted with a high surface quality—are complemented by textiles, felt, glass, stone, and recycled materials, creating an ideal environment for both work and well-being.

      The structural engineering was carried out by Conlignum, while the five-story timber building, with a total gross floor area of 4,725 m², was executed by Strobl Bau Holzbau. The HASSLACHER Group supplied approximately 300 m³ of high-quality, partially block-laminated glulam, curved beams with relatively tight radii, and composite glulam elements from its production sites in Hermagor (HASSLACHER Holzbausysteme), Stall (NORITEC Holzindustrie), and Lainach (Gemson).

      Project information
      Location: WKO-Campus Körberlgasse Graz, Österreich
      Customer: Strobl Bau Holzbau
      Architect or planner: Viereck Architekten
      Design and construction: Conlignum, Strobl Bau Holzbau
      Builder: WKO Steiermark
      Year of building 2024
      Used wooden products: Approx. 300m³ of glued laminated timber, partially block-bonded, arched beams
      Sites HASSLACHER Group: HASSLACHER Holzbausysteme GmbH, Hermagor; NORITEC Holzindustrie GmbH, Stall; Gemson GmbH, Leinach