HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders
      HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders

      T3 Atlanta

      Atlanta USA

      © StructureCraft

      The 7-story T3 West Midtown project in Atlanta is one of the largest solid wood buildings in the United States, with 20,000 square meters of floor space, and is the second T3 office building for developer Hines, a global real estate investment, development and management company in private ownership. T3 stands for timber, transit and technology. The system, consisting of glulam columns and beams, was produced at the HASSLACHER Group sites in Kleinheubach, Sachsenburg and Hermagor and fitted with around 10 tonnes of steel parts. The first T3 in Minneapolis was completed in 2016 and showed that wood can be used competitively in large commercial office spaces through efficient design and construction.

      Project information
      Location: Atlanta USA
      Customer: StructureCraft
      Architect: HPA / DLR Group
      Structural analysis and design: StructureCraft
      Builder: Hines
      Year of construction: 2019
      Products used: HASSLACHER BauBuche GL75, glued laminated timber, block glued glulam