HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders
      HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, from wood to wonders

      UKCA Certification

      HASSLACHER Glulam

      The effects of the BREXIT on the export of products to Great Britain will take effect on the 30th of June 2025 (status December 2022). This means that from this date onwards, glued laminated, glued solid timber, block glued glulam, glulam with large finger joints and/or cross laminated timber will require separate UKCA certification and labelling (UKCA = United Kingdom Conformity Assessed).

      The HASSLACHER Group’s mass timber products glulam, glued solid timber, block glued glulam and glulam with large finger joints were UKCA-certified according to EN 14080 by CATG Limited. From now on, in addition to strength classes from GL20h to GL32h in spruce/fir, pine and larch (pine and larch up to beam strength class GL28h), block glued glulam and glulam with large finger joints but also special components can be UKCA labeled.

      Hot off the press